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Terms and Conditions

This Affiliate Program Operating Agreement (the «Agreement») is made and entered into by and between Zorka Mobi Ltd (or «We»), and a person, («You» or «Affiliate»/ «Publisher») declaring the intention to cooperate with us an Affiliate).
The terms and conditions contained in this Agreement apply to Your participation with the affiliate program of the agency Zorka.Mobi.

Furthermore, each Offer may have additional terms and conditions on pages within the Affiliate Program and are incorporated as part of this Agreement.
By submitting an application or participating in an Offer, You expressly consent to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
“Advertiser” means any client of Zorka Mobi Ltd.
"Creative" shall mean a creative (creative) banner (graphic image) included in the advertiser's advertising material or promotional materials provided by the advertiser.

“Irregular Events” means any of the following occurrences or activities, regardless of whether or not they are carried out by, condoned by, or known to Publisher at whatever given point in time:
impressions, clicks, installs or actions generated by false representation, duress or force;
automated means to increase the number of impressions, clicks, installs or actions through tracking links
completion of any required information by use of spyware, use of steal ware or use of cookie-stuffing;
impression data matches click data;
more than 70% of installs are received a-er one hour from the initiated click; the click to install rate amounts to less than 0.25%.

“Publisher” means any Publisher who runs an advertising campaign through Zorka Mobi Ltd and has entered into a Order.

“Insertion Order” means any purchase order entered into by Publisher or Advertiser and Zorka Mobi Ltd while running advertising campaigns.

“Intellectual Property Rights” means any and all copyright (including rights in computer software and databases), trademarks, service marks, trade dress, brand names, logos, goodwill, trade, business or domain names, design rights, database rights, patents, rights in inventions, know-how, trade secrets and confidential information, rights in databases, moral rights, publicity rights, performance rights, synchronization rights, mechanical rights, publishing, rental, lending and transmission rights and other intellectual property and exploitation rights of a similar or corresponding character which may now or in the future subsist in any part of the world, in all cases whether or not registered or registrable including all granted applications and all applications for registration, division, continuation, reissuance, renewals, extensions, restorations and reversions in respect of any of the same.

“Business Day” shall mean any day excluding Saturday, Sunday and state holidays on which banks are closed in the Republic of Cyprus and any other locations, where person offices are engaged in the Services under this Agreement or applicable IO (when obligations of person are considered) or in the country of registration of the person (when obligations of the person are considered).
Enrollment in the Affiliate Program
A Party (You) who want to become an Affiliate/ Publisher (further Affiliate) shall: - to submit an Affiliate Program application from our website.

An application shall clearly state real data and details without using any aliases or other means to mask Your true identity or contact information.
We will make commercially reasonable efforts to notify You within 2 (two) business days of receipt of an application.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, we may accept or reject Your application at sole discretion for any reason.
We will pay Affiliate/Publisher for each Qualified Action (the "Commission").
A "Qualified Action" means an individual person who
accesses the Program Web Site via the Link, where the Link is the last link to the Program Web Site,
is not a computer generated user, such as a robot, spider, computer script or other automated, artificial or fraudulent method to appear like an individual, real live person,
is not using pre-populated fields
completes all of the information required for such action within the time period allowed by Zorka Mobi Ltd.
is not later determined by Zorka Mobi Ltd to be fraudulent, incomplete, unqualified or a duplicate.

Invoice for the advertise campaign shall submitted by Affiliate/Publisher to the Zorka Mobi Ltd via the Internet (Email) not earlier to the 15 day of the month following an approved purchase.

Payment is due within thirty (30) business days from receipt by Zorka Mobi Ltd of the Publisher's invoice for the campaign if there is no objection, unless otherwise indicated in the Special instruction field on the IO.
Commission are paid in USD.

Amounts with a balance of less than $100 will roll over to the next month, and should be collected to roll over monthly until $100 is reached.
100 USD – minimum payment by using ePayments; Payment via bank transfer is limited to a minimal amount of $ 2,000.

If the amount is less than 2000 US dollars, the Advertiser pays with PAYPAL.
Payment in the amount less than 2000 US dollars by wire transfer or 500 US dollars by using ePayments is possible in case of termination of the Agreement mutually agreed by the parties or its cancellation.

Taxes, Fees. Each party is solely and separately responsible for its own taxes, fees, or other levies.

We will not be liable to pay any tax on the invoiced amount over and above the amount that is displayed on Партнера/Publisher’s invoice.

In accordance with applicable ISO standards, we will apply SWIFT payment instruction code SHA when making a payment to Affiliate/ Publisher.
If Affiliate has an outstanding balance under this Agreement or any other agreement between the Affiliate and we, whether or not related to the Affiliate Program, Affiliate agrees that we may to compensate such amounts due to Zorka Mobi Ltd from amounts payable to Affiliate under this Agreement.
We will grant Publishers a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Creative solely for the purpose contemplated, specified in Insertion Order.

Publisher must not modify the Creative without obtaining Zorka.Mobi`s (Ltd) prior approval. (Email for approval

Publisher must use the Creative in strict compliance with any written instructions provided by Zorka Mobi Ltd. Written instructions may include instructions by e-mail.

Publisher may reject the Creative if deemed inappropriate.
Advertising Campaigns
Publisher must not:
unless explicitly permitted by us, to publish Advertise that include the words “free”, “no cost”, “no charge”, or anything that;
send unsolicited e-mail that mention Advertiser;
use bots in Advertise, community sites, message boards, chat communities, or social networks to promote Advertiser;
to provide an Advertise resulting from Irregular Events.
to another Publisher’s detriment, interfere with Advertiser’s or ours tracking link.

We will not pay for Advertise resulting from Irregular Events.
Ensure that all materials posted on Your Media or otherwise used in connection with the Affiliate Program (i) are not illegal, (ii) do not infringe upon the intellectual property or personal rights of any third party and (iii)do not contain or link to any material which is harmful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, sexually explicit, harassing, promotes violence, promotes discrimination (whether based on sex, religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, disability or age), promotes illegal activities (such as gambling), contains profanity or otherwise contains materials that we informs You that it considers objectionable (collectively, "Objectionable Content").

Not make any representations, warranties or other statements concerning Zorka Mobi Ltd or any ours of respective products or services, except as expressly authorized in this document.

Comply with all (i) obligations, requirements and restrictions under this Agreement and (ii) laws, rules and regulations as they relate to Your business, Your Media or Your use of the Links.

You should not to place ads on any online auction platform (i.e. ebay, Amazon, etc).

If Publisher fails to comply with the requirements (“Irregular Events”, geo, kpi, traffic sources, budget etc.) Zorka Mobi Ltd has the right to withhold the payment for such traffic.

The ad tags of Zorka Mobi Ltd won’t run at any time on illegal domains and fraud traffic (Non-human generated traffic, Bot and Malware traffic, traffic that has Adult content, Offensive Language, Illegal Drugs, Alcohol and Hate Speech, do not contain or link to any material which is harmful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, sexually explicit, harassing, promotes violence, promotes discrimination (whether based on sex, religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, disability or age). If ads of Zorka Mobi Ltd become detected on illegal domains with fraud traffic, according to fraud technology used by Zorka Mobi Ltd – Zorka Mobi Ltd will have the right to withhold the payment.

Within the scope of this contractual relationship, Publisher shall transfer inter alia the following data to Zorka Mobi Ltd for the purpose of advertisement, billing and reporting:
device data;
location data (if required and available);
Publisher ID;
app or site being used at the time of impression.

In the event that any transferred data under the present clause contains information concerning the personal or material circumstances of an identified or identifiable individual (personal data), Publisher warrants that the collection, processing and transfer of personal data protection comply with the applicable data protection law. In particular, Publisher warrants that Publisher has:
published a conspicuous personal data protection and privacy policy that will be visible to the end user;
obtained the end user’s consent, approval, opt-in, waiver, authorization or clearance to collect, process or use the end user’s data as may be required by applicable laws and industry practice and standards;
notified the end user that the privacy and data protection laws in the countries in which the end user’s data may be collected, processed or used may vary from the laws in the country in which such end users live;
complied with the guidelines and terms of use of any promotional channels and app stores;
complied with industry guidelines, local, national and European regulations on data protection and privacy laws.
contractually obligated any third party (including, but not limited to, any agent or employee) who handles personal
data on behalf of Publisher to comply with all of the above.
Publisher must, in particular:
keep a written record of all of Publisher’s efforts to comply and provide us with proof of compliance, should we request such proof.
Publisher grants us the right to collect, process, use or store data as provided for in this agreement and to profile based on that data.
Confidential Information. Privacy
“Confidential information” means any information which relates to Zorka Mobi Ltd (or his customers) and/or any of its group companies’ business that is disclosed or made available (directly or indirectly) by we to Publisher, whether in oral, visual or written form (including graphic material), whether before, on or after the Start Date of this Agreement. Confidential Information includes but is not limited to:
to the extent applicable: proprietary information, technical data, know-how,personally identifiable end user information,advertiser data, partner data,any other financial and statistical information, any data that is in the Affise and CRM systems, and other systems used by Zorka Mobi for interaction with Partners, Advertisers, employees of Zorka Mobi, formulae, engineering processes, strategies, photographs, technology, technical literature, research, product plans, products, services, equipment, customers, markets, source and/or object code, software, inventions, discoveries, ideas, processes, designs, drawings, specifications, product configuration information, pricing, marketing and finance documents, prototypes, samples, data sets, photographs, audio, audiovisual, graphics, text, manuals and other written materials, gameplay, mechanics, look and feel, user interface, logo, name, plot, setting and characters and equipment or other materials including information which is attributable to, or the existence of which is derived from, the Purpose; and
the existence and terms of this Agreement and IO; and
information otherwise reasonably expected to be treated in a confidential manner under the circumstances of disclosure under this Agreement and IO or by the nature of the information itself.

The parties must not disclose any Confidential Information.
The receiving party must hold all Confidential Information, except as may be authorized by the disclosing party, must not use such Confidential Information for any purpose other than as expressly set forth in the present agreement or disclose any Confidential Information to any person, except to those of its employees and professional advisers, who need to know such information in order for the receiving party to perform its obligations.

A disclosure is not a prohibited disclosure within the meaning of the present agreement if:
the disclosing party has expressly consented to the disclosure in writing prior to the disclosure;
the disclosure is made to external advisors, auditors, attorneys or experts, provided that the respective receiving party is under a professional duty of confidentiality;
the disclosure is made in order to comply with a legal requirement or with a decision made by a competent court, arbitral tribunal, or a stock exchange or supervisory authority, or some other government authority, provided that the disclosing party is made aware of the disclosure either prior thereto or as soon as possible subsequent thereto and the receiving party has made reasonable efforts to maintain the information’s confidential character.

Following termination, each party must use reasonable commercial efforts to return or destroy the other party’s Confidential Information.
Neither party must issue a press release or general public announcement that refer to the other party, without the other party’s consent.
All parties represent and warrant that they are fully compliant with applicable privacy laws, and all local regulations. All parties shall also provide notice for, and fully disclose, their respective privacy policies and practices to visitors to their website(s). Zorka Mobi Ltd warrants that engaging in the services provided by the Company pursuant to this Agreement shall not violate Zorka Mobi Ltd privacy policy.

Publishers and Partners Zorka Mobi Ltd., if they receive any personal information, hereby guarantee compliance with INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS AND LAWS FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRIVACY AND PERSONAL INFORMATION, including, but not limited: GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of Personal Data and on the free movement of such data, and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of Personal Data and on the free movement of data entering into force on May 25, 2018.
Force Majeure
"Event of Force Majeure" means an event beyond the control of the parties, which prevents a Party from complying with any of its obligations (payment obligations will continue for the real services provided) under this Agreement, including but not limited to:
act of God (such as, but not limited to, fires, explosions, earthquakes, drought, tidal waves and floods);
war, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies, mobilisation, requisition, or embargo;
rebellion, revolution, insurrection, or military or usurped power, or civil war;
contamination by radio-activity from any nuclear fuel, or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel, radio-active toxic explosive, or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component of such assembly;
riot, commotion, strikes, go slows, lock outs or disorder, unless solely restricted to employees of the parties.
acts or threats of terrorism.

Consequences of Force Majeure Event.

Neither party shall be considered in breach of this agreement to the extent that performance of their respective obligations (excluding payment obligations) is prevented by an Event of Force Majeure that arises after the Effective Date.
The Party (the “Affected Party”) prevented from carrying out its obligations hereunder shall give notice to the other Party of an Event of Force Majeure upon it being foreseen by, or becoming known to, the Affected Party.

Irrespective of any extension of time, if an Event of Force Majeure occurs and its effect continues for a period of [180] days, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry the relevant State may give to the other party a notice of termination, which shall take effect [28] days after the giving of the notice. If, at the end of the [28]-day period, the effect of the Force Majeure continues, the Agreement shall terminate.

At the same time, one party shall pay to another party an amount calculated and certified in accordance with payments terms and conditions.
Termination, Governing Law, Jurisdiction
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, each Party may terminate this agreement by a written notice sent to the other Party via email within 5 (five) days prior to the date of termination of this agreement.
This contract shall be governed by the law Republic of Cyprus interpreted and supplemented by the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (2010).

Any disputes shall be decided in accordance with the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts (2010) and, with respect to issues not covered by the Principles, by the law Republic of Cyprus. Any dispute arising out of this Contract shall be submitted to and determined by State court of Cyprus.

If any provision of agreement should be held to be void, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected hereby. Such provision or part thereof shall be treated as severable and shall be modified so as to be enforceable to the fullest extent allowed by law and shall be replaced by a provision that comes as close as possible in terms of economic and legal effect to the replaced provision. The same shall apply to gaps (if any).

Non waiver; silence; implied conduct:
Failure of either party to insist upon strict compliance with any of the terms, covenants and conditions hereof shall not be. The same applies to any gaps if available.
deemed a waiver of such terms, covenants and conditions.

Silence on the part of one party does not in and of itself amount to acquiescence. However, reasonable inferences may be drawn from implied conduct in accordance with the applicable law, as well as the parties’ prior dealings and commercial customs and practices in general.

We have the right to modify the present agreement and any Insertion Order made subject to the present agreement, by providing Publisher with two weeks’ notice by e-mail. Unless Publisher objects within the notice period, the modifications are deemed to have been approved by Publisher.

The present agreement will apply to any legal successors of the parties. In case of a legal succession, the parties will inform each other of that matter promptly.
Entire agreement
The Insertion Order and the underlying agreement will constitute the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter thereof and supersede all previous communications, representations, understandings, and agreements, either oral or written, between the parties with respect to the subject matter of the Insertion Order.

Exclusion of Third Party Rights. Only You, Zorka Mobi, or our filials and/or specified in any Agreements or IO will have any rights (whether under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise) to enforce any term of this Agreement.

Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, the provision shall be modified by the court and interpreted so as best to accomplish the objectives of the original provision to the fullest extent permitted by law, and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in effect.
Publisher shall indemnify to Zorka Mobi Ltd harmless from and against all claims (including reasonable attorney fees and costs) arising to any third party against Zorka Mobi Ltd due to infringement of the Publisher’s warranties and obligations under this agreement.

Publisher will be liable for any damage in this connection and the costs incurred by Zorka Mobi Ltd for legal action.

Publisher shall - upon first demand by Zorka Mobi Ltd or any third party nominated by Zorka Mobi Ltd - make whatever in-court or out-of-court declarations and provide whatever documents are required or appropriate to defend against third-party claims.

Electronic Acceptance. This Agreement may be concluded in electronic form (e.g., by an electronic or digital signature or other means of demonstrating assent) and will be binding between the Parties. Both Parties agree that it will not contest the validity or enforceability of this Agreement because it was concluded in electronic form.

Both versions have the same legal effect.